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Bud Durie
This is Bud's first appearance on stage as a California resident. Before moving to Woodland Hills in February of 1997, he was very active in theatre around West Palm Beach, Florida, where he lived for five years and served on the board of directors at a local community theatre. As an aging ex-traveling-musician, he would like to be an actor when he grows up. These days he feeds the family as a field engineer for a Thousand Oaks company specializing in automotive on-board computer systems. The 'family' being Kelly, his wife of 15 years, two cats and a
Yorkshire Terrier
(from a rural area in South Yorkshire between the little known towns of Nawd-on-Shews and Peede-Upon-Tyle.) Bud lists as some of his favorite roles in Florida: Seldson in
Noises Off!
and King Sextimus in
Once Upon a Mattress
both at the
Lake Worth Playhouse
and Owen Musser in
The Foreigner
at the Palm Beach Studio Theatre. He would like to thank Dana and the cast and crew for their hospitality and the chance to join in the fun of The Pasadena Shakespeare Company.